Castlemaine Pay The Rent acknowledges, that we as other-Australians, have benefited and continue to benefit from, policies and practices that have been part of the colonisation of this nation, particularly stolen land. We all benefit from the occupation and use of this land. Whether we were born here or arrived here as migrants, we cannot avoid sharing the government’s responsibility for the perpetuation of this injustice.
This Pay The Rent (PTR) model was developed by the Castlemaine PTR Group, that is led by local Aboriginal Elders. The Scheme will educate and encourage other Australians to set up auto-recurring bank transfers to Castlemaine PTR. One-off payments are also possible. This payment is in recognition of the ‘rent’ we, as individuals and a community, owe to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for living on land that was unlawfully taken from them. Paying the rent is NOT a donation, it is an act of restorative justice, of recompense, of taking responsibility and acknowledging benefits accrued through occupying stolen land.
The PTR concept transfers funds from grassroots to grassroots; it doesn’t involve politicians or bureaucrats. The funds go directly from other Australians (You) to local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. The money raised is spent at the absolute discretion of the the Senior Djaara Elder and for the purposes that they decide upon. They do not have to account for their actions to other Australians, just as rent paid to the owner of a house is spent at their discretion
If you decide to become a part of the Pay the Rent scheme, you will be supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in the Mount Alexander Shire.
Simply complete and submit the application form . We will then email you the Castlemaine PTR bank account details, so you can setup the bank transfer.